Six-figure Professionals: and Their 7 Secrets

In my work with hundreds of coaches, consultants, and small
business owners, I have found that there are specific
actions that have created their success. Here are seven
success elements that they use effectively to earn $100,000
plus a year. By focusing on these important elements, you
too can grow your business to reach this goal.

Six-Figure Professionals Focus and Target their Efforts
Professionals who narrow their market earn more and have
less stress. They operate in a market that can afford their
service and one that has future potential to keep it up.

They know how to say "no" to anything that detracts from
their plans and their goals. They go after their goals with
tenacity and never listen to others telling them how hard or
impossible whatever they are working towards is. They ask
questions to the right sources and listen to those higher
than they are on the "food chain."

They know their target markets well; what they like and do
not like. They stay current with the economic conditions of
those industries and watch for shifts that can affect their
affiliation or revenue. They speak the lingo of their
markets and know their problems and challenges like they
know the back of their own hand.

Six-figure service professionals act fast when an idea
occurs and have a professional support team available that
responds quickly and plays full out with them. They have the
"adapt and adopt" principle down pat.

Risk and fear is something they kick regularly in the
"assets." It doesn't stop them and barely slows them down.
Six-Figure Professionals Have a Strategy

Ninety percent of all six-figure professionals generate some
sort of passive income. They know that there are only so
many hours in the day and only so high a ceiling they can
charge before their market peaks. One of their highest
priorities is to generate products that create money 24/7.

Six-figure professionals know that they need to create
attractive packages and offers that are irresistible to
their market. They create new packages frequently and sell
in multiple streams (across multiple media bridges and
target markets).

Six-figure coaches fine-tune in seconds. If they do not
have an answer, they have generated a source that does.
They ask or research it immediately and continue moving.
Their strategy is always changing. Sometimes they don't
have time to put down all the details in their plan, yet
they always have enough time to complete a moving strategy
with just enough details so that they know it is worth their

Six-Figure Professionals Have all the Skills they need to

Since six-figure output requires a higher percentage on the
service delivery end, six-figure professionals have the
skills needed to run a business and be an expert yet not a

Professionalism is basic for them. It comes easily because
they watch and listen well. Their people skills are
effective and productive. They do not fool around with
doubters or wait around for an answer. Their attitude is
"you either have it or you don't." And when you don't, they
are leave quickly and never look back.

Six-Figure Professionals Have a Positive Attitude
Even though six-figure professionals try many things,
creating excellence instead of perfect as they go, they also
have just as many projects that don't work. Most of their
projects succeed once out of every ten tries. They don't
dwell on the ones that don't for more than a second. They
recalculate (adapt) and come back in the game swinging
(adopt). Failure is not in their vocabulary.

They expect success and they expect it now -- not later.
They move, switch, shift and change 50 times faster than
most individuals. In some circles, they are called --
movers and shakers -- only because they don't allow dust to

Six-figure professionals don't wait for all the answers
before jumping on something hot. If it