It Involves The In-ter-net...

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It Involves The In-ter-net...
By Dan Reinhold

There's a song by a group called the Bare Naked Ladies ( yes, I'm serious!) entitled "Never Do Anything". One line states, "I could make a mint, fill my pockets with more than lint, I'll give you a hint - it involves the Internet".

Never do anything. Involves the Internet.

Sound familiar?

When you're first exposed to the Internet, it's mindblowing and full of promises. Heck - if you're not "making money online" within five minutes of signing on, you must be some kind of vegetable. It's a big candy store, and everything looks sooooo good. If one program sounds really great, then a few dozen will make it happen even faster...right??

You're gonna do great big things, don't. And you quit, with all those "Told ya sos" ringing in your ears.

What you don't know about the Internet when you first see it is that the things of real value have nothing to do with the endless stream of dazzling get-rich schemes and scams and financially fruitful flims and flams.

It's relationships.

That mouse at your fingertips can't help you succeed, friend. Wrong animal, although at least it's a mammal, too.

It can take a while and it can take some work. Finding good, real people online IS possible. That's the reason why exists.

Did you really think a raving Inter-idiot like me could pull this off...alone???

Yeah, probably.

After lots of time, sweat ,tears, frustration, rage, doubt...and I do mean LOTS.

What else can you do?

Find a good place or two to talk to some good people.

We're making one right here at our very own forum.

Now and in the future, you'll meet some amazing people at the WAHumor forum, many of whom helped me get here.

And you'll meet people like you with questions and concerns like yours - getting answers.

Ain't got no gurus here - it's just folks like me and you-hoo.

C'mon, let's go meet everybody...starting July 19., the premier work at home humor website, officially launches on Saturday, August 2, 2003. The site pre-launches on July 19 when the forum goes live - be there for a special announcement you don't want to miss!
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