"Tag, You're It !"
"Tag, You're It !" By Larry Johnson Biz Site Biz E-Zine
Some call them "tag lines"; others refer to them as "catch
lines" or "tie-in-slogans." Whatever the words used to refer to
them, they are perhaps the most important part of your
promotional writing.
Do you recognize any of these ? :
"Like a rock..." "Fly the friendly skies..." "It's the real
thing !" "Quality is job number one" "The quicker-picker-upper"
Most of those tag lines are recognizable by us without even
including the name of the company or product.
They summarize in a very few words the essence of the thing they
are promoting. They communicate a good, positive feeling or
relationship to the product. They do it with a simple, memorable
phrase that is easily repeated.
The shorter the description is, the more challenging it is to
write. Anyone can write a 500-word description of a product or
service. Now try doing it with 5 to 10 words ! Each word you
choose is very important to the message.
HERE ARE SOME TIPS for writing good taglines for your business
1) Start by noticing ads on billboards as you drive down the
road. Billboard advertisers have but a couple of seconds to grab
your attention and sell their product or service. Usually their
copy is going to be a very good tagline with a picture of the
product or service. These are great examples of how to write
effective taglines.
2) Notice other media forms like magazine and newspaper display
ads, business cards, brief radio and TV commercials. Observe the
thing that caught your attention and makes the message easily
remembered. It's usually a concise and well-written tagline.
3) Write down everything you can think of that relates to your
business. You may even start with a narrative description in
paragraph form.
4) Now, make a list of the top 25 or 30 things that are
important and worth mentioning. Whittle that list down to 8 or
10 of the most important things you wish to say. Now eliminate
repetition or things that are not really that necessary to your
product or service. Get your list of words or phrases down to 3
or 4 central elements.
5) Based on your final core selection, make up some phrases that
will serve as your taglines for consideration. Keep them short
and use simple, everyday language.
Which of these taglines would you remember best ? :
"Joe's auto repair shop, the lowest-prices and the best service"
OR "Quality Care For Your Car !"
"The Best Tax Service Anywhere Around The Town !" OR "Your Tax
Experts At Work !"
"Emergency ambulance service available 24-hours a day" OR "When
Minutes Count!"
Well, you get the idea!
Do some test marketing with your final two or three best
taglines. Discover the one that works best for you and
incorporate it into all of your promotional messages.
Remember, like any of life's endeavors, experience and practice
help to improve your skills level. If you want to be a good
writer, write a lot !
Best of luck in your promotional efforts !
Larry Johnson, Author
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