5 Little Known Tricks To Boost Your Online Experience
Every trade has it's secrets... those little known
tricks that are often easy to implement but known only
to the `initiated few`. Does this ring some familiar
bells... the master chef mixing in his secret
ingredients. Okay so for those website owners,
webmasters and people in the e-business arena, here
are 5 `jealously guarded` secrets of the e-wiseman:
1. Most of you may be aware that when writing
headlines if you start it with a number say: 7 little
known tricks... You can get your entry positioned at
the top in directories that use alphabetical listings.
A lot of people know about this and have started
using it, now how do you get above the numbers?. Try
enclosing your heading within quotation marks : "7
little known tricks...". Yes this works.
2. Often when you are surfing using those hit
exchanges, a borderless window pops up - this has
no border, menu bars or buttons at all. Sometimes it
may even cover your entire screen including task bars
leaving you no way to get out of it. It is simple :
press `Alt plus F4` on your keyboard and you will
be free.
3. How do you protect your email address from those
spammers who unleash the power of `spam spiders`