**Good Decision Making Needs Time**
How is your decision making? I have always prided myself on
being a positive decisive person. Quick to make decisions,
confident in my ability to be right most of the time. Maybe this
stemmed from my initial technical training which gave me
analytical skills and an ability to think logically with
A recent study has shown there are number of interesting and
important factors that affect the quality of decision making.
Apparently managers generally are very sure of themselves when
it comes to decision making because 90% reported they are
confident in their own decision making abilities.
However, they can become frustrated in their efforts to be
decisive because of pressure from colleagues, bureaucracy or
lack of resources. They admitted that these pressures had
affected some of their decisions, against their better judgement.
The majority of managers preferring to rely on rational analysis
rather than 'gut feeling'. The survey also revealed the top
three characteristics for good decision making.
1 Objectivity [45%]
2 Logical thinking [47%]
3 Experience [50%]
So what do we need to do when faced with difficult decisions.
Remain objective, consider all of those who will be
affected by the decision. Don't opt for the easy option but make
sure you are certain what will work best for those affected.
Communicate your decision. Explain your reasons so
everyone knows why you came to the conclusion you reached and so
understands what is expected of them.
Take your time - probably the most important. Too many
people believe they have to make up their mind quickly. They
believe a fast decision keeps the pressure off. Be very careful
to weigh up all the factors and risks. Assess all of the options
and reach a conclusion based on clear, logical considered
I reflect on some of my key decisions and know that if I had
taken more time, shared my thoughts and taken more trouble to
get real understanding from some of those affected, in some
circumstances life would have been easier.
I am clear that experience is the key factor and with me a
little less decisiveness and taking a little more time would
have been beneficial in some cases.
Tip Think wrongly if you please but in all cases think for
**** Resource Box: Article by Michael Harrison, Author,
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