You can be as happy as you want whenever you want. Zen masters have proven this - all you have to do is just "be" with whatever you have right now. Yeah, I know. Sitting on the floor contemplating your blank space may not be what you're after. Highly successful people are outrageously happy because they have fulfilling ways to meet their values. What are values? Well I'm not talking about Dan Quayle and Murphy Brown, or Limp Bizkit's recent family values tour. Values are simply what is most important to you.
Do your values move you towards great possibilities? Is your energy directed towards meeting your values in ways that excite you and make you stronger, capable of going for even more? When you are clear on your values, your vision is bright, and you will feel primed to go for it.
The 21st Century - what an exciting time to be in business. We have eBusiness, eCommerce, eLove (well maybe not yet, but I'm sure some VC or Angel is working on it), eEtc. In this competitive environment where everything is moving at eSpeed, modeling outstanding people is the fastest way to eSuccess.