The Friendship Barrier
This article is about getting over the friendship barrier for a
If it is a girl you are really interested in your mind might be
filled with doubts and insecurities:
What if she says no? Am I trying to move too fast? Maybe she
thought we were just friends and she will be offended if I ask.
All of these fears, although natural and common, are dumb. If
you want a date with this girl you have the right to ask her
out. Don't allow your life to be ruled by doubt and insecurity.
There are "steps" you must "walk up."
To get from the friendship path to the dating path, you must
walk up the five steps of the barrier.
Step 1: This step may seem stupid, but it's the most important
step, you have to have her name, and don't get it from someone
else, if you two don't know each other already, ask her for her
name! I cannot stress this enough.
Step 2: Get her phone number. You might have some friends in
common, so just tell her you want to keep in touch, or just tell
her straight up, "Hey, *her name*, what's your number?", and if
she asks why, just tell her why, don't lie! THAT IS ONE THING
YOU NEVER WANT TO DO! If you lie to her in the beginning, your
entire relationship (friend and romantic) will be based on a lie.
Step 3: CALL HER!! This is another mistake that men make; they
don't call the girl while they are just friends.
Step 4: Schedule a "date." Ask the girl to see if you want to go
to movie, go to a local sports game, or even a theatrical play.
And plan it during something else that your friends are going
to, so when she asks if your/her friends can come, you can say
sure, and know that they aren't. THIS IS NOT LYING, YOU ARE
TELLING THE TRUTH. You do want them to come, but they are going
to something else, so it'll just be you and her.
Step 5: Just ask her out, ask her if she wants to go out with
you. Don't do this just after one "date" and keep calling her
in-between. Wait until you feel comfortable. WARNING: DO NOT GO
There is no guarantee this will work, and this is not for
everyone; from my experience, this usually works. I made this
for all the "nice" and naive guys that have been dumped in the
past, or are afraid to ask someone on a date. Remember all she
can say is no, and it won't be that awkward between you two.
This is just basic instructions, I will be writing a more
extensive article, and it will be out early 2006.