Savvy Shopping for Replica Handbags
Savvy Shopping for Replica Handbags
First of all, we all know handbags are big business. The
leading designers like Prada, Gucci, Coach, Burberry, Dooney and
Bourke all command huge investments when you purchase one of
their purses, often in the thousands of dollars. So, it is no
big surprise then that replica handbags, often called
"knock-offs," are just as big a business.
If you're looking for the real deal for a steal, be aware that
in order to actually get the authentic designer item you will
have to most likely fork over the big bucks, regardless of that
tip your friend gave you for a little shop where you can get the
same thing for hundreds less. Not likely, say most experts. In
fact, top designers make it rather common knowledge how you can
spot the real product. And they say, you will not find a real
Gucci through a street vendor, regardless of what he or she is
How do you tell the difference? Experts say there are all kinds
of clues that will alert you to a fake. There is exact match of
fabric and material, the way labels and decorations are attached
to the bag, even what type of thread and stitches have been
used. Tips such as these are just as handy when you are shopping
for a replica and trying not to be duped into spending more than
you must. Handbag counterfeiters try their hardest to lead you
to believe that the bag you just picked up is a real Prada, and
that you can have it for an attractive percentage less than the
real thing just because that's the last one they have in
When you are shopping for a replica, shop with a vendor who
advertises top quality replicas up front. A reputable retailer
will be honest about their products, and their prices should
reflect drastic differences between the authentic designer
purses. Also, shop with a business that comes recommended from a
friend or colleague. Shopping over the internet, sight unseen,
experts warn, puts you at risk for being ripped off. Make sure
the online retailer has drastic differences in prices from the
originals. They should be honest that they are in fact selling
replicas and not hinting that the handbags are originals with
deep discounts. Most many consumers, quality replicas are a fine
replacement for the original.