Common Sense!
After all these years I still can't believe I still see people
falling for those get rank 10 in google or get your website on
top of google queries and all that. What amazes me even more is
how they claim this will increase your adsense earnings when it
doesn't work in the first place.
Fine I'll admit some people have actually figured out how to
trick google but only after hard work, wich if used to acquire
the same rank in legit ways could yield the same results. The
fact is people use common sense if there were such easy ways to
get to the top wouldn't we all be using them? Any proffessional
webmaster or anyone will tell that shortcuts are not always what
they appear to be. Especially when that shortcut benefits
someone else. But don't take my word for it here are a few ways
to find out if a site or program is just tryignt to get to your
1.Check the rank or if the seller is actually using their own
products. IF they are see if they are working. 2.Do a little
research before you folk over that hard earned cash. Find out if
anyone speaks ill of the said seller. And see if they back their
accussations. FOrmer customers know what's going on from
experience, and are sometimes nice enough to let others know.
3.Make sure this does not go against google rules or other laws.
As it may get you in trouble or your website. 4.Make sure if the
said offer doesn't work you get a refund. Makes sense doesn't
it? If it does indeed work then they have no problems in making
sure the customer feels safe in their purchase. 5.Check out the
seller. What their history other products they may have.
Try all of these before you fall for all of those people who
just want your money. Like the famous "link traders" where they
think increasing your link popularity will also increase your
rank. Matter of fact this is true however google only counts
those sites that have something to do with your site. And if
they are irrelevant it knows you tried to trick and you lose
some points off of your rank. So if you sell dolls don't link a
medical site. There are many others programs like this and many
require payment of some sort though I can't go through all of
them you can use my five rules to make sure the program is
legit. Though if it sounds too good to be true then it is.