Christian Roommates - Being A Light
If you are in a living situation with non-Christian roommates,
you have an incredible opportunity to witness to your friends.
The guiding light for your ministry should be the quote
attributed to St Francis: "Preach always, use words when
necessary." Let's examine this quote and see how it applies to
sharing an apartment with non-believers.
First St Francis tells us to "Preach always." You are the light
in your roommates' life. The key to this is consistency. Have a
plan about what it means to preach to you roommates and follow
it as frequently as possible. Do you avoid drinking? Do you skip
parties? Are there certain movies and TV shows you want to
avoid? There are loads of different ways to show your light and
they don't always involve being the "stick in the mud." For
instance, you could attend parties but always serve as the
designated driver.
Secondly, St Francis notes that we should only "use words when
necessary." The number one way to preach without using words is
to simply listen. All of your roommates are going through
difficulties. Do you know about them? Sit down with your
roommate and just ask what is going on. Listen to their
struggles and concerns. Don't bombard them with advice. Just
listen. When the time is right to speak, the Holy Spirit will be
there with words for you. These sessions are often just a great
time to build your relationship with your roommate and give them
a chance to get junk off their chest. And they're a fantastic
avenue to eventually sharing the gospel with words.
Eventually, you will have built enough of a foundation that you
may want to overtly mention Jesus or talk about the gospel. The
best way to know when the time is right is to simply wait for
your roommates to bring it up. If you've been consistently
preaching through your actions, your roommates will eventually
toss out a question about your faith. Be ready for this. Make
sure you have good answers to the common questions.
Living with non-Christian roommates is tough. It's difficult to
always put your best foot forward. But remember, let God work.
Don't try to do it all on your own. You'll find that He does
most of the work for you. You just have to be there.