What are the Best Acne Treatments?

The most common home treatment for acne is twice daily application of a benzoyl peroxide solution such as Neutrogena On-The-Spot. This works by killing bacteria, drying up the oil, and causing your skin to peel. It is effective for minor acne (whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples).

Prescription or over-the-counter antibiotics like Stri-dex or Oxywork kill the bacteria which, with oil, causes acne.

For an even more surefire acne treatment, your doctor may suggest chemical skin peeling, removal of scars by dermabrasion or laser, or removal or drainage of cysts.

Synthetic Vitamin A derivatives, or retinoids, are for severe acne, which take the form of redness, nodules and cysts. Retinoids include creams and gels such as Retin-A and isotretinoin pills - Accutane. Accutane is an effective acne treatment in that it works to reduce the size and production of oil glands in the skin. Its effects are unbeatable and last a long time