A Prescription For Love
A Prescription for Love.
For anyone who is struggling with their herpes, and even for
those who are not struggling, here's my prescription for Love.
Love is the universal agent of healing. Everything good and
positive and sustainable in this world comes from love. The best
prescription for herpes is a daily mega-dose of love.
Do you love yourself? Has having herpes made you love yourself
less? If others try to trash you for having herpes- love
yourself so hard and so well that the hate and ignorance from
the outside world cannot penetrate the golden light of love
around you.
Are you loving others? or has herpes made you shut down and go
into hiding? People out there need your love. To withhold your
love and sex from others because of being ashamed of having
herpes not only robs you of the experience of being loved but
robs others of the chance of being loved by you. Love always
opens up , real love doesn't close down. Open your heart and
mind and get back into the world and love.
Do you love your life? Life is such a precious short gift. It's
a crying shame to waste any of it feeling anything but happy and
grateful for life. No matter who you are or how you live there's
always something to love about your life, everyday.
Do you love your body? Are you giving it the things it needs to
manage herpes? Are you eating and drinking for health first or
to satisfy cravings and addictions (i.e. coffee and chocolate).
Do you project Loving energy? Are you a shining beacon of love
and beauty in this cold dark world. Love will keep you safe in
the storm and feed you when you are hungry.
Have you learned how to make peace with the virus? Without peace
can love really set down it's roots?
Christopher Scipio Homeopath/Herbalist Holistic Herpes Treatment