Well meaning advice is sometimes not needed
the people that offer the most advice are the ones that you
least need the advice from.
I often meet people that try and give me advice and they are the
last people that should be offoring advice to me.
I once had a single bloke telling me how to keep hold of a woman
and amke sure you didnt lose them.
I guess he was partially able to give me advice as he had been
divorced 3 times but i think that if i wanted advice i would
have gone and gotten it from someone that was succesful rather
than someone that had failed.
When i am working in my day job
as an advice councellor i try to get the client to help
themselves rather than me telling them what to do.
I was highly trained and they taucght us to help people to help
themselves. The problem with telling people what to do rather
than teaching them to make the decisions as a process rather
than making them into emotional
This is the reason that i say that the wrong people give advice
due to the fact that they tell you what to do rather than
telling you how you can work to sort the problem. Speedysearc
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