How To Reverse Lookup Phone Numbers
Do you need to locate someone and all you have is a phone
number? Did you know that it is possible to take advantage of
many online tools, some of them free, in order to do a reverse
phone number search and find the name and address of the person
that you are looking for.
The first thing you need to do is to determine whether or not
the phone number of the person is a landline or a cell phone
number. is a free tool that allows you to quickly
find this out.
The next step is to use Google. One of the best sources to do a
free reverse look-up for landline numbers is the Google search
engine. If you type in the phone number in the format (XXX)
XXX-XXXX, the name and address of the owner will often come up
in the search engine results. This is often all that is
necessary to find the information that you are looking for but
if this does not produce a result then there are other tools to
Some of these services are available for free. Here are a few to
This site also
allows you to type in a phone number for free
and search for
a matching name and address.
Reverse Phone Directory.
This site allows you
to search one phone number in several different online
directories, including "White Pages," "Phone Number," and
Please bear in mind that the information is only available of
the name of the person to whom the phone number is registered.
Also none of these sites provide information for cell phone
numbers or unlisted numbers.
Okay, so how then do we go about locating the owner of an
unlisted number? And what about cell phones - is it possible to
find out who a particular cell phone number belongs to? Reverse
cell phone lookup has always been more difficult than reversing
landline numbers.
Well you could consider one of the many commercial "private
detective services" that will help locate someone for you.
Prices vary but typically you could pay $85 or more for this
type of service. Usually the company will offer a refund if they
cannot obtain the information for you.
There is one another option and that is to become your own
private detective! The key here is to learn how to access the
various online databases that are used by private investigators,
law firms, police departments, businesses and individuals all
around the world. Examples of some of these online databases
include State and County public records, Court records, credit
reports and so on. These records will often yield the
information that you are looking for.