Try , or Try not...
Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try. There is definitely a
try, even if it doesn't lead to a do. And this separates winners
from losers more surely than anything else. Trying does not, in
and of itself, lead to success, of course. Depending on the
goal, there are many ways to fail. But not trying surely leads
to failure. I was thinking about John Stockton, the recently
retired Utah Jazz basketball player who typified "trying". He
had a lot of talent, of course, so his trying led to success,
but he will always be noted for his effort rather than his
talent. In thinking about John and giving full effort, I
wondered "why doesn't everyone always try"? There is effort
involved in trying; an investment of resources, if you will, and
so one could argue that not trying when you know you will fail
is prudent. But I don't think that's it. Not trying is not a
calculated decision, it is emotional. People just don't like to
fail. If you don't try, you can always reassure yourself with
the false comfort that you would have succeeded, if only you had
tried. Once you try and fail, that's it. Actually there is a
gradient all the way from not trying to giving 100% effort.
Sometimes people do something in a half-hearted way, and
possibly this is their form of "not trying"; they can feel they
would have succeeded if they had given full effort, and thereby
feel less bad about themselves for having failed. As I've noted
before, I believe happiness comes from liking yourself. Things
which make you feel better about yourself are "fun", and things
which make you feel worse about yourself are not. Trying to do
something you are not good at may not be fun, in the sense that
you will feel worse about yourself for your lack of skill or
success. This accounts for the wide range of things people do to
have "fun"; different people are skilled at different things.
Certainly you don't have to feel worse about yourself for not
trying or doing all of these things. That is the "out"; if you
don't try, you won't fail. But... That's fine for discretionary
recreational activities. But what about life itself? What about
your family? Your profession? Your contribution to the world? In
these things not trying is the surest way to fail. You may be
able to convince yourself that your lack of success is due to
lack of effort, not lack of skill, but that is secondary; your
lack of success will be a fact either way. The key seems to be
to regard trying itself as a success. Yoda himself understood
this, for he said: Learn to lose as well as win, a Jedi must. If
you can feel good about yourself for your effort - regardless of
the results - then you can always succeed.