Ways To Beat Rip Off Britain & Start Paying Far Less...For
It's a well known fact that Britain is one of the most expensive
countries in the world to live in. Whatever we buy - whether
it's clothes and electronics to cars, computers, DVDs or food -
in the UK we seem to have "settled for paying more". When most
people shop they go into a normal retail store and buy a product
at a price that they consider to be standard. Well let me tell
you, the prices we pay especially in the UK would not be
tolerated in most other places in the world.
So is there a way to beat it? You bet! Knowledge really is
power, and when we educate ourselves on how retail markets work
and where and when you can pick up bargains you'll be able to
save hundreds, if not thousands over the course of the year. For
a host of money saving ideas on everything from property and
finance to where you can save on top brand electronics, DVDs,
clothing and more visit
The Story Of Rip Off Britain
I'll bet you've talked about how the UK is a consumer
rip-off...perhaps you've even discussed it with your friends and
family at the pub. Traditionally the British public did little
to address the high costs of living in these isles - many
manufacturers capitalised on the fact that Brits would pay a
premium for goods and services because they valued "service" and
"quality" but in actual fact both these virtues have been
greatly reduced over time...yet prices for most things have
continued to soar. Is that fair? Of course not, and over the
past decade or so the public have realised this and have begun
to fight back.
So what prompted this fightback? Many factors - as Brits started
to travel abroad more and more they realised how much cheaper
everything was in other countries. Even today bargain hunters
often make trips to Calais to feast on the cheap items available
at hypermarkets. We saw that in places such as USA - an
affluent, rich society people enjoy goods and services at a much
fairer price. Naturally, we started to ask the question...WHY?
Another factor that has helped to revolutionise consumer opinion
is online shopping - more and more of us have started to shop
online, realising that it is a safe, convenient and relatively
cheap way of getting what we want. These days some people just
purchase the odd travel ticket online while others shop for
everything...DVDs, groceries, clothes...all online. Indeed, the
biggest bargains are available online.
Anyway, we have reached a point where enough is enough and
consumer groups have taken real action. An example is the way
that consumer groups have interfered in the new-car market -
together with regulators in the UK market prices for new cars
within the UK have fallen significantly - and are still
continuing to fall today. And it isn't just the new car market -
UK consumers have started to see falls in many other retail
areas. Air travel is one example - British Airways used to be
accused of abusing UK consumers with ridiculously high prices.
Virgin Atlantic used this as an opportunity to step in with
lower prices and today we have seen the introduction of no
frills airlines such as Ryanair (I'm sure we've all seen the fly
to Barcelona for