The Art of Forgiving
Have you ever sat down on a big rock by a flowing stream, hung
your head and cried like a baby? Me neither but hey the days not
over yet! Sometimes in life we get hit hard and fast. Maybe by a
friend, a lover, spouse, neighbor or just a complete stranger.
When that event does take place, it hurts, hurts so bad we see
red. Our chests feel like a heavy weight has been dropped on it,
the tears just want to burst from our eyes. We want to kick and
scream or just curl up and die! Then of course we have to deal
with the depressive states, the anger states. Did we deal with
them or are they still there, buried in whatever way we've
always dealt with our hurts and pains. Did we forgive and move
on or is that little something still there waiting to spring to
life again to continue dissolving the happiness we all deserve.
Oh, you are happy! Then why does a certain something, a smell, a
name, a color, whatever, bring back that tight feeling. That
tear to the corner of your eye or that angry look in your jaw?
We all have been hurt and we've all hurt others. But that's
life, it will continue that way right to the day we lay down for
the big one. We're not responsible for other people's feelings,
only our own. Unless of course we've hurt someone else but
that's another article. Right now we have to deal with the thing
that's eating our life away. The best way i've found to deal
with forgiving and truly forgiving so that it's not a continual
sore in my heart is understanding. This isn't always easy, but
if you can learn to understand why it happened, how it happened,
why that person might of done what they did. Then that sore can
heal, the forgiving is easier. Our physical and emotional states
will be stronger and healthier! We can still protect ourselves
by not sticking our necks back into the noose for future hurts,
but to be healthy you must forgive. And it's not easy, sometimes
we don't even want to forgive. But who's continueing the pain
now? Please try to understand that person or what might have
being going on in their life at the time they hurt you. You
deserve the best life you can make for yourself. You are a
unique individual, don't waste your limited moments in pain or
despair. Let it go! I use some Biblical quotes to keep me
guided. You don't have to be religious to use the positiveness
of the word, so don't overlook the power of the Bible for posive
thinking! Try Matt.6:33 , Psalm 55:22 , Philippians 4:6-7 , 2
Timothy 1:7