~Happy Valentine's Day~
Jones, 92 yrs old
~HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY~ This is February, the month we celebrate
love, not only relationship love, but more importantly, self
love. Not everyone is in relationship, for those that are, I
wish you the most Blessed Valentine's Day,,,ever :-)
For those that aren't, I wish you the most Blessed Valentine's
Day,,,ever! This Valentine's Day (and month), celebrate the love
you have in your life, friend(s), family, pet(s)~ celebrate
loving yourself, and where you are right now. :-)
Grounding/centering, working on projects that have been put off
in the household, or an extra 30 minutes of work-out time is
also a good use of the energy.If you are feeling anger or
frustration, or find yourself around angry people, or
situations, just send yourself a beam of love or give yourself a
hug -) Weather might also be a tad bit bizarre, as it has been
in Wisconsin :-) Stay warm darlings, and if possible stay home
The GOOD NEWS most people will focused on LOVE, this Valentine's
Day. Love energy will be flowing for most of us, and that's the
best energy we can operate under :-) let the love flow this
February 14th. Let us approach it as a Return to Love, give
yourself a hug everyday, just because, you deserve it :-)
I wish you Love and Light, during the month of February, and
Lite www.astrongwoman.org