Some Tips on Time Management - How to Better Manage
Ask yourself:
1. Does what I am doing add value to my life (and times of pure
fun and relaxation are essential too)? 2. What will happen if I
don't do it? 3. Can I delegate it? 4. Can I spend less time on
1. Telephone Interruptions 2. Drop-in Visitors 3. Meetings 4.
Crisis Management 5. Lack of Objectives, Priorities a Daily plan
6. Cluttered Desk, Personal Disorganisation. 7. Ineffective
Delegation 8. Attempting too Much at Once 9. Lack of Clear
Communication 10. Inadequate, Inaccurate Delayed Information 11.
Indecision and Procrastination 12. Confused Responsibility and
Authority. 13. Inability to Say "No". 14. Leaving Tasks
Unfinished 15. Lack of Self-Discipline
1. Planning (lack of).
2. Priorities (lack of)
3. Telephone interruptions
4. Disorganisation/cluttered desk
5. Procrastination
6. Visitors
7. Lack of Self Discipline
8. Ineffective delegation
9. Attempting too much
10. Inability to say 'No'
The 80/20 Principle
20% of activity gives 80% of results and 80% of activity gives
20% of results (known as the Pareto Principle).
* Focus on the important few activities, not the trivial many. *
Don't procrastinate * The key is self discipline. * "First we
make habits, then habits make us."
Get the news only once a day - in only one form - read the paper
or watch television or listen to the radio, but vary the form so
you don't get the news through one bias. Don't worry about or
spend time on things irrelevant to you, eg.. reading every bit
of the newspaper.
Unless it is crucial for your business, the news is not only
depressing (don't worry about it, unless you can do something
about it), but it gives a distorted picture of life.
If you can't sleep, don't waste time lying in bed. Get up and do
Use an answer phone.
Walk out of a poor movie or show. You've already wasted the
money - so don't waste the time as well.
Plan your leisure. Don't expect your free time to fall into
place by itself. Plan your weekends as carefully as you plan
your weeks...and it's OK to do nothing.
Don't read a book, just because it has been given to you- if it
doesn't interest you, give it to someone who would be interested.
Stop going to social events you would rather avoid - life's too
short. On the other hand, don't miss a social event you would
enjoy just because you feel tired. If you enjoy something it
revitalises you. But remember - there is usually work tomorrow!
"Never hurry - and don't worry - and don't forget to stop and
smell the flowers." - Walter Hagen, American Golfer
"What I do with this day is important, because I have exchanged
a day of my life for it."
Take rest; a field that has rested gives a beautiful crop. -
I like the words of the Simon and Garfunkel song: "Slow down,
don't you go so fast" from 'Feeling Groovy'. Not that I feel
that way here in "Sleepy Hollow" in the beautiful country that
is Godzone!
So just take and plan your time carefully. Always remember,
"Yesterday is a cancelled cheque, tomorrow is a promissory note,
today is ready cash - use it well."
Craig Lock "Information and Inspiration distributor"
Author's Note: This extract is from Craig's first published book
HANDBOOK TO SURVIVE - a collection of writings on various
subjects to help every man or woman survive in a rapidly
changing, uncertain world.