Ten Ways to Simplify Your Life
In this very fast paced world, it seems impossible to simplify
our lives. But think about this, how much time and energy do you
waste on the unnecessary? How much time do you waste because you
can't find things? How much energy do you waste telling yourself
all the things you should do? We often make life much more
complicated than it needs to be and somehow we have convinced
ourselves that our lives must be filled to max. We over schedule
our lives, and then wonder why we feel dissatisfied. In turn, we
end up spending the majority of our time on the things that
don't matter to us. Here are some strategies to help you weed
out the unnecessary and simplify, simplify, simplify.
1. Extend your boundaries- It is okay to say no. If you are not
comfortable committing to a task, or something doesn't feel
right to you, then don't do it. We often get in trouble because
we ignore our gut feelings, and most of the time it leads us
down the wrong path. 2. Drop your to-dos- Drop the to-dos that
have been on your list for a couple of months. Get rid of those
tasks that you keep telling yourself that you will get done but
you always find something more interesting/important to do. If
you have not done them by now, they are not important and
draining your energy. 3. Remove clutter- How much time do you
waste looking for things? Do you have stuff that you need to get
rid of? The more cluttered your space is, the more stressed you
are going to feel. When you remove clutter, get rid of stuff
that you no longer need, and give objects a home your life will
run more smoothly. In addition, you will create a space for new
things to enter your life. 4. Develop your values- Determine
what your values are and live to those values. We often feel
conflicted because how we are living is out of sync with our
values. For example, if your number one value is family and your
job requires you to work 65 hours a week is it any wonder that
you feel unsettled and unhappy? When you