If You Try To Learn It All At Once...You'll Never Get There
"If You Try To Learn It All At Once... You'll Never Get There"
copyright 2001-02 John Evans
Remember when you were in school, and had to cram for a test?
'All that material'! 'How am I ever going to learn it all'?
That may be a classic case of "overload", or so it seemed at the
Back then, we HAD to "learn it all", right then and there. We
had no choice, if we wanted to pass.
Running an online business, though, we do have a choice.
Maybe a common problem with many people, when they decide to
start an online business, is that they try to learn it all
FIRST, before they start their business.
If you try to do that, you may find yourself with SO much
information, advice, and plans, that you just might become
'bogged down'.
It can happen!
One guru tells you one way to "do it", and someone else tells
you something entirely different. One ebook says one thing,
another ebook says something else.
Part of the problem is that everyone has their own method of
doing business online. Even those telling you 'how' to make
money online, may not be actually making money themselves.
So, what's a person to do...?
Get your own domain name! You want others to KNOW that you're a
business person.
Learn to make a web site. Doesn't have to be a BIG site; one
page is a good start. Then gradually add to it.
Making your own web site is not as difficult as it may seem. Get
a good web site program and GO TO WORK ON IT.
Find at least ONE good program to sell, AND SELL IT! There are
many good programs all over the Internet, so what are you
waiting for? (But, make sure it's something that will be of
value to, and benefit your visitors.)
Already have an idea for an online business? Great! Then do
something with it NOW! Not next week.
What are you waiting for?
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ copyright
2001-02 John Evans http://www.dailybiz.com/ Want to REALLY make
money online? Visit us now. You can use this article but please
leave it intact.