Plan for success
Here's the secret and key to your success. Focus. Focus on your
goals and plans. Plan your work and work your plan. Sorry, it's
not very glorious or mind blowing, but it works. If you are like
most SOHO (Small Office, Home Office) owners you are the
Chairman/Chairwoman, CEO, president, vice president, marketing
manager, accountant, secretary and janitor. You are responsible
for planning, developing, marketing, publishing, delivering,
cleaning, organizing - in short, you are the chief cook and
bottle washer. So your focus is critical to your success.
Has this ever happened to you? You plan to go out on the web and
gather some information. While you are out in cyberspace, you
notice an ad for something that is not related to what you are
looking for. Since it looks really interesting, you click on the
ad anyway. By the time you are done clicking from one
interesting ad to the next, you have lost two hours. Now you
still have to go out and look for your original material. It's
happened to all of us. The key is to stay focused on your
planned task.
Here's one way to stay focused and organized while you are out
on the www. First you need to set up a filing system in your web
browser's 'favorites' folder. My favorites folder has a list of
each of the websites that I am working with and in each of those
folders are sub-folders. The sub- folders are labelled
administration, marketing, sales, and misc.
And here's the little trick that goes along with the folders.
Let's say you want to go out and browse through your
competition's ezine advertising prices to see how they compare
to yours. You go to an ezine directory to find ezines with
comparable numbers of subscribers. Suddenly your attention is
drawn to a flashing banner that says ADVERTISE FOR FREE - CLICK
HERE. Of course you are interested in advertising for free! But
instead of getting involved in that right now, click on the
banner to pull up the webpage that it is linked to. When you get
there, right click your mouse, go to the 'save in favorites'
field and put it into the appropriate sub-folder -
administration, marketing, sales, or misc. Later when you have
some free time, or have planned to search for new ways to
promote your site, you can go to the 'marketing' sub-folder and
take a look at how to get some of that free advertising that the
banner was so excited to tell you about.
This is one simple way that you can add extra hours to your day.
When you stay focused, you get more accomplished in a shorter
period of time and achieve your goals much faster. Your success
is directly related to your ability to focus and stay focused on
your plan. It may take time to train yourself, but it is worth
I wish you all the success and happiness that you desire.