Make 2002 Your Best Year Ever
May your next year be magical, prosperous and overflowing with
How will you make 2002 magical? Start by reviewing this passing
year. Honor and celebrate all you have accomplished. Put behind
you the things that did not work by looking for blessings in
them. Reaffirm the flow of love between you and those important
to you.
Below are some questions to help you discover the gems of this
year. Take time to answer with a few sentences each and you will
free up energy to make 2002 your best year ever.
* What positive things did you learn in 2001 about
relationships, work, money, life, spirituality?
Did you discover... you deserve a relationship? you can express
your feelings? you can create a new career? there is an
abundance of money? there may be something more to the universe
than meets the eye?
* What have you radically changed about yourself that you
thought you never could?
Have you learned to say "No?" Let go of a past relationship?
Met someone new, radically different from your past partners?
Become hopeful about the future?
* How have you contributed to others?
Did you touch someone deeply? Help someone make a drastic
change for the better? Give someone the gift of friendship?
* What have you accomplished that you are proud of?
Did you put an end to something that was bothering you? Start a
business? Get a promotion? Begin a relationship?
* How far along are you on your path?
Are you closer than you've ever been to buying that dream home?
Nearly finished reorganizing your garage? Almost ready to enter
into a deep, mutually-fulfilling relationship?
* What did not work out and how was it a blessing?
Did you make a financial decision that went astray, and learn
about accepting help from others? Enter into a relationship too
quickly and learn to slow down?
* What do you still want to accomplish?
Having a relationship? Running a successful business? Living in
a home you love?
* To whom do you need to communicate thanks, apologies or love?
Have you told your family, friends, clients how much they mean
to you? Shared with your partner how much he/she is treasured?
Apologized where needed?
Now, find a way to wrap up 2001. Read through your journal, if
you kept one. Look at photos you took throughout the year. Get
in touch with friends to reminisce about good times you had this
year. Say everything you need to say to someone.
Mostly, honor the YOU in the passing year and get a great start
on creating 2002!
Let's move on to intentionally making the New Year your best
year ever. Make sure you follow through on your New
Year's'resolutions to have the most fun and joy in 2002!
Below are five questions for you to ponder. Don't feel that you
must have the "right" answers to these immediately. It is
actually more important to really focus on the questions and
allow the answers to emerge in a moment of clarity.
Caution: If you want your life to remain exactly the same, stop
reading now! The following is guaranteed to change you and is
dangerous to boredom, routine and loneliness! :-)
1. What would be outrageously fun to do in 2002? 2. In what new
and exciting direction do I want to take things I am already
doing? 3. How do I want to spend my time in this New Year? 4.
What talent do I want to express this New Year? 5. How much
love, intimacy, connection, friendship, togetherness and
companionship will I allow into my life this year?
While you are thinking about these questions, don't worry about
how you will create what you imagine. Don't get bogged down in
the details - dream BIG for 2002!
Set your sights on the most outrageous, glorious life. Set your
heart to open. Set your mind to take risks. Spread your wings
this year and dare to fly!
Have a glorious New Year!
Your Relationship Coach, Rinatta Paries
(c) Rinatta Paries, 1998-2002. Do you know how to attract your
ideal mate? Do you know how to build a fulfilling relationship,
or how to reinvent yours to meet your needs? Relationship Coach
Rinatta Paries can teach you the skills and techniques to
attract and sustain long-term, healthy partnerships. Visit where you'll find quizzes, classes, advice
and a free weekly ezine. Become a "true love magnet(tm)!"