How to Focus on Your Internet Business

If you've been in a home based Internet business even a short time, you've probably discovered that it's not time to give up your day job just yet. You haven't come into those millions you've heard others have so quickly amassed in cyber space. Of course, you'd love nothing other than to be free of that 9 to 5 leg iron so you can work your business as much as you want. Well, knowing that's not going to happen overnight, it's time to learn how to live in both worlds without going bonkers in the process. You know you have only a limited amount of time away from your day job to devote to your business. How are you going to get the most from the time available? Here are some pointers I've jotted down from my experience and reading on the subject. Once you've decided to make a go of an online business, finding time each day for working it can be daunting. Let's say you have a fulltime job. If you're like me