Unhook From The Perpetual Progress Grid

I have been a member of a group called the Women in Business Connection (WIBC for short) in Cambridge, MA for about four years. We get together for lunch meetings once a month. Last week at our December event several of the women commented to me how much they liked my newsletter. It is always nice to hear complimentary feedback but one woman went even farther - she said it was like getting a "Zen moment" in her email. (Thanks Cibeline!)

Her comment got me thinking. That is exactly what I want to provide - Zen moments for my readers. I am in no way a Zen expert but I do hope that reading my monthly messages might offer you a moment to temporarily unhook from what I call the Perpetual Progress Grid of life. My wish is to share with you a moment of reflection, appreciation and calm.

So today, I will describe for you how I