As recently reported in the nationwide news, there has been overwhelming evidence that your local gym is a germ farm. Many different types of bacteria are found on the equipment shared by other fitness enthusiasts.
The bacteria come mainly from bodily fluids that are released during exercise and other natural activities. Sweat is, essentially, waste product excreted from the body. It contains many forms of bacteria and water that can lead to the formation of bacteria. It is nearly impossible to eliminate all of the perspiration left on the machines. Wiping them down will only spread the bacteria around.
Other sources of bacteria are the spas and pools. Even though many clubs require a rinse shower before using the pools, not all of the bacteria are rinsed away and the spas and pools become cesspools to bacteria. Chlorine and the other chemicals used to sanitize them cannot possibly wipe them all out, and they are left to circulate and spread through the water systems.
The locker rooms are another problem area for germs. The bacteria are spread on the floor from athlete