There have been endless numbers of fad diets over the years, each one promising to free you from the bulge. You see numerous infomercials on the next so called proven weight loss strategy such as diet programs, supplements, and fitness equipment. In fact, there are certain companies that claim their product will just strip fat off of you simply by taking their supplement and going to sleep.
I must say that I have seen some pretty absurd claims by companies over the years. There have even been many authors who have written about weight loss that preach their strategy is the only true solution to weight loss and permanent weight management. Most of you are aware of the weight loss networks that lure you into believing that by following their diet regimens, you will be free of your weight management issues forever.
There are also those fancy gadgets that claim fat will just burn away simply by using them minutes a day. Well, I must say again, that although these claims all sound very promising, they hold little or no true validity. I am aware that some of these products, supplements, and regimens may have worked for some people, however, I have yet to see or hear of a high number of consumers who experienced permanent weight loss.
In fact, if any of these so-called weight loss solutions worked permanently and on a grand scale, then we would not have the high percentage of overweight people in this country that we do. A point worth noting is that the United States has the highest percentage of overweight people among the industrialized nations. Things that make you go hmmm