Are you getting screwed by an SEO company?

If you have done business with or have been contacted by an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) company, here are a few things to watch out for.

#1. Guaranteed Rankings.
Nobody can guarantee rankings. Period. There are no guarantees in true SEO. If you are being guaranteed a #1 spot, it is time to delete their email or ask for a refund. Hopefully you will not be caught up in this lie.

#2. You must resubmit your website every week.
Total baloney. You absolutely should NOT resubmit your website constantly. You may need to submit every 4-5 months if that. Resubmitting every week is more likely to get you banned than to get you better rankings.

#3. Meta Tags are no longer needed.
Another line that is false. Meta tags are still important, and MSN uses them frequently. Don't believe this lie!

#4. We did everything we can, but somebody is messing with your website!
Totally false in most cases. Nobody is going to hack your website and just change crap to make it rank lower. This is usually an excuse when their "guaranteed rankings" do not work, which is all the time!

What do I do then?

Well, besides dozens of websites I run, I created a place where people could go for economic and valuable SEO assistance. Seo Verified is a place to get true SEO work done. We review your tags and content, suggest necessary changes for better ranking, and then submit your website to over 100 engines. We do not submit to FFA links, but we do submit to smaller search engines besides the included Google, Yahoo, and MSN.

So, if you want true SEO, check out Seo Verified.

About the Author

J. Ratliff is owner of the Affiliate Directory and Seo Verified.