Top Ten Ways of Why and How to Write your Book's Sales Letter - Part 1

Authors/publishers are great at getting their books written. But after the initial one-year honeymoon, sales slow down. To counter this make sure your print or ebook will keep on selling from the first day, the first year, even for life. Count on this being a two to three- year project to become well known.

Write a short sales letter for each book.

Whether you have a web site or not, you can write a first class, must-buy-now sales letter. Since you are making your book a business write a sales letter for each teleclass and service as well. I even write one for my bookcoaching services.

What Every Sales Letter Needs to Pull Orders and Profits

You can write each sales letter in less than four hours the first time. As you practice, you can an excellent one in two hours.

1. Start the Letter with a Benefit-Driven Headline.

Include similar headlines throughout your sales letter. Make them bold and in another font to stand out. Then, add the copy below that supports your claim. Here