Employee Motivation - The 8 Basics
Building a team of motivated people in your business is vital to
get the very best results, but so many managers focus on the
'ra-ra-ra', rather than the important things - the things that
make people feel comfortable in their working environment.
Here are eight that you might want to have a think about:
1. The Weather
Is it too hot, or too cold. Your people need an environment
which is, like Goldilocks said, 'Just right'. So is the office
too stuffy in summer? Or too icy in winter? Is it draughty? Do
people get wet when accepting deliveries, because the outside
roof leaks? Literally make sure that external factors are as
they wish.
2. The Breaks
Sometimes working in a day-to-day job can get boring and
exhausting. So people need to know when their breaks are and
that they wil be able to take them - it's not that complicated.
Yet often, they just aren't able to have this basic courtesy in
place. Planning and caring for your people's needs is vital.
It's what you would want for yourself, isn't it?
3. Holidays
And vacations/holidays are important too - some would say it's
the most important thing on the working year calendar. So enable
this to happen, when they need to know, so that they can plan
their invaluable time away from the business and refresh.
4. Being Heard
You people need you to listen to then and hear them - really
hear what they are saying and respond with action and/or
acknowledgement. Be out there creating good, open relationships
with your people and take in what they say - what's important to
them - and deliver solutions to make conditions great.
5. Achievable Goals
By being really, really clear about what you expect from your
employees, you will set the scene for committed staff. Through
knowing exactly what their performance should look like to be
judged excellent, by you, gets buy-in, big-time. So be clear,
give them the resources to achieve success and they will be well
6. Being Thanked
As they do a good job for you each day - tell them. It's easy -
just say 'Thank You'! Appreciation for achieving success,
especially when it's from the boss is so important. So
recognising excellent performance, even for small tasks, cost
nothing and takes but a moment - worth building into your day
job activities - every day!
7. Challenge
People like to do new things, to explore, to seek out and
utilise their potential, Sometimes this means they will have to
be 'stretched' in what they do. With a helping hand, to support,
coach and grow the skills of your people, you are setting in
place a keen, ambitious and ready-for-the-next-experience star
in the making. So find new ways to develop them.
8. Security In today's business climate, it isn't always easy to
build the best future consistently - things change too much, too
quickly. But you can go some way to ensure that it is a safe
place to be. With this level of security, your people will
loosen up and feel capable of being with you, rather than
against. It is a measure of your own leadership as to how well
this works.
These are basics for your people - get these right and you will
be 85% there, in having motivated people working with you.
Then you can turn on the charm, get radical and creative and
find them right there alongside you (in front even!). Focused on
building your business strongly.