Top Seven Things To Consider When Buying a Start a Daycare Book
When starting a daycare one of the easiest ways to learn some of
the tricks of the trade is to purchase a book or ebook. A Day
Care Program like any of these are a great place to start. With
many to choose from, how do you decide which is best for you.
Below are some of things that you need to consider when
selecting a book, ebook or program. First will be a question
that needs considering and then the best criteria to select from.
1. Who wrote the book? BEST-Written by someone
that actually operated a successful daycare. GOOD-Written
by someone who researched operating a daycare by interviewing
people who successfully operated a daycare. FAIR-Written
by a ghost writer with only researching it from the web and books
2. Does book include information on writing a business plan
for a daycare? BEST-Has examples of business plans
included. GOOD-Explains how to write a business plan and
what is needed. FAIR-States that need a business plan but
does not tell how or give examples.
3. Does book review licenses procedures? BEST-Goes
in details on licensing and how to get them and gives
information about each State's procedures. GOOD-Reviews
some information on getting license and links to each State for
more information. FAIR-Only mentions that license is
needed but gives no additional information.
4. Does book review daycare pricing and how to decide on
pricing? BEST-Covers in details how to set pricing
and how to determine if your pricing is comparable to your
competitors. Also explains how to determine profitability based
on price verses expenses. GOOD- Explains only to check
competitors to determine pricing. FAIR- Only slightly
covers price and does not give info on how to set price.
5. Does book cover hiring staff and number of staff
needed? BEST-Goes in details on hiring staff to
include how to do background checks, references, and education.
Also covers recommended number of staff per number of clients.
GOOD- Only covers hiring staff and recommends background
checks, references, and education. FAIR- Only covers that
you may need to hire staff but does not go into any details.
6. Does book cover the supplies, equipment and safety?
BEST- Gives details on supplies, equipment and safety.
GOOD- Gives detail on supplies and equipment.
FAIR- Only cover general supplies needed.
7. Does book cover over forms needed and give examples?
BEST- Covers in details forms need and also provides
samples of the forms. GOOD- Covers forms that are needed
but does not give examples. FAIR- Only discusses that
forms will be needed and refers you elsewhere for them.
There are many other areas that you may want to consider as well
but these are the top seven. Some of this information you may
not be able to find out without buying the book. So you may want
to find reviews of the books to help make a decision.