Success: What Are You Afraid Of?

What are your fears? Fear of failure? Fear of success?

What have your fears cost you in terms of relationships, health, career, money, and lost opportunities?

Have they kept you from achieving success and financial freedom?

The dictionary says fear is the anticipation of danger, a belief that something negative or painful will happen as a result of some possible future action. It is nothing more than this. It is nothing less. 'Anticipation' means that the danger MAY exist in the future. It does not exist in the reality of NOW.

Fear is a normal experience. Scientists tell us that our brains evolved in such a way that one of their primary functions was to protect us and warn us of dangerous situations. That was useful when we had to keep an eye open for the neighborhood sabertooth tiger, but we're a little safer now.

The protection mechanism, however, still keeps busy by warning us against lesser dangers. My personal experience and yours, I imagine, suggests that the real 'pain' comes when you look back at opportunities lost, and what you missed out on because of fear-based choices you made at the time.

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