The New iPod Nano
Let's talk music! Let's talk podcasts! 1,000 songs, non-skip,
digital quality, portability - the pencil thin iPod Nano is just
the ticket. Jogging, walking or toughing it out on a treadmill
life just got a whole lot easier with the addition of the
rugged, little iPod that holds either 500 (2GB) or 1000 (4GB)
songs. That's 14 hours of sounds that will go with you
So what do you do with all those sounds? I work two hours from
home via the public bus and regional rail lines. I get up at
5:00AM, catch a 6:35AM train, after a jostling pushing bus-ride,
coffee on the regional rails, then another jostling, jolting bus
ride to get to work by 8AM. I couldn't do it without music - and
I couldn't make it without my rugged little iPod. It holds my
sounds, a few photos of my feline, furry buddies sound asleep at
home, a couple audiobooks and my podcasts of various things that
interest me.
Portability in the extreme What makes this tiny 3.5 x 1.6 x 0.27
inch stand out? It's thin, weighs only 3.5 ounces, yet it backs
quite a punch. Using the Click Wheel, you have access to your
music, photos, podcasts, extras like a calendar and contacts, a
World Clock and many extras On-the-go Options where you can
create custom playlists personalized to exactly the songs you
want to listen to at that moment.
Photos of the cool cats I only have a few photos of family,
friends and my many felines, but the Nano can actually hold up
to 25,000 photos. Now that's a lot of picnics, baby showwers and
weddings to pass around the office! You can also set it up show
a slideshow of your favorite shots on the full-color screen.
Easy Sync with iTunes Through iTunes, the premiere iPod syncing
software that works on Mac or PC, you can import a CD easily,
buy songs or podcasts from the iTunes store sync or upload it to
your iPod. iTunes starts syncing automatically after hooking up
your iPod. Instant music to go, as well as news and commentary
on any subject you like. I like the Audiobooks section for those
long rides. It has over 11,000 titles. Prices start at just
$2.95 per title, Songs are only 99 cents. Syncing is blindingly
easy and you can start building your own library of audiobooks
-- a number of them available exclusively at the iTunes Music
Store including all six Harry Potter audiobooks.
Let's Accessorize! With all new things comes the upgrades and
gizmos to customize the new toy to perfectly fit your tastes and
preferences. iPod Nano is no different offering a wide-variety
of earphone choices, many colored skins to make you Nano
uniquely yours. I prefer the powder-blue skin myself, and the
In-Ear Headphones for maximum sound quality and bass resonance.
You car is a stereo on the roll! Many of the newer cars come
iPod capable with the hookups necessary, but since I have an
older model vehicle I've done the conventional iTrip and plug-in
car Monster option. Either way, it allows you to take you music
with you on the road with "seamless integration between you car
and your iPod." In other words, fabulous sounds while you drive.
Imagine this scenario. You stumble out of your bed in the dark,
take care of personal business. Now you're dressed and ready to
go. It's still dark. Out you go, heading towards the local bus
stop, still near-comatose. You take out your earbuds, turn on
the Nano and wham, music fills your world or the latest
Battlestar Galactica podcast about the last gripping episode
fills your consciousness. You begin to wake up, ready to face
the day on your terms with kick-ass background music or
scintillating commentary to make your trip to consciousness and
work just a little bit easier.
You don't like my scenario? Dream up your own. Just make sure
you have include music, because everything moves, slides, walks,
and treads better to a beat - whatever your beat - whether it's
classical, new age or rock and roll. It's gone digital, all
wrapped up in a cute, little box that takes your songs to the
next level and beyond. When you think music, think iPod Nano.