Changing Passwords Frequently

Change Your Password Frequently For maximum security it is advised to change your password frequently. In today's online environment, there are plenty of people that are searching for easy marks to steal data, personal information, and money from unsuspecting computer users. Anyone that owns a computer usually has a password of some kind. Whether it is an email password, Paypal password, or web hosting password, you should always try to be as secure as possible in order to protect your information. A big part of security is creating good passwords and changing them in a timely manner. Most people who use email and other non critical online components would usually be OK if they changed their password once or month or at least quarterly. For people of critical information and security systems, you should think about changing your password either daily or weekly depending on the situation. When changing your password you should not make it easy for a person to figure out. You should usually make it over six characters, 8 being optimal. Your password should contain both letters and numbers and should not include simple words such as a password that is "password". If your system allows case sensitive passwords then by all means create a password that some characters are either lower case and some characters are upper cased. Using these quick tips will make your information more secure.