Building A List - What's It Worth To You?

The internet seems to be full of hyped up business opportunities. What evidence there is to support the feasibility of a business opportunity is often anecdotal - or we may be asked to take the word of a well known internet guru when he tells us that this is the "next big thing". Sometimes he/she will be right of course (that's how they get to be gurus).

And make no mistake about it - we are equally to blame for this hyped up culture. Let's face it, it's so much easier to read or listen to a well presented collection of projected possibilities than it is to do even a little spade work and unearth a few hard facts.

In the first place, we can all be a little lazy. In the second place, it's nice to close our eyes and dream of the ongoing passive income - such a nice visual picture isn't it?

And finally, hard facts can be a little bit difficult to come by. Sometimes for genuine reasons - startups often don't have much more than the reputation of the key players and a business plan - and sometimes for more worrying reasons.

One of the enduring mantras which you will almost certainly have heard is that "the money's in the list". All the key players not only say this but appear to demonstrate it by the simple fact that they all own and operate large opt-in lists. It would seem reasonable to assume that these list make a significant contribution to their profits.

But let's see if we can put a little flesh on the bones. First of all we have an assertion - sourced from - which is as follows:
