Choosing Sunglasses That Enhance Your Style And Protect Your Eyes

Whether you pick them up at a discount retailer or from a designer boutique, sunglasses are definitely must-have accessories regardless of the season. However, far from being just a fashion accessory, sunglasses are multipurpose tools that can protect your eyes from harmful UV rays and provide a degree of shade on a sunny day, improving visibility and lessening your chance of being temporarily blinded by sunlight (particularly important while driving).

As wonderful as sunglasses are, all sunglasses are not of the same quality and it is important to take care when shopping for a pair. The most important consideration when purchasing sunglasses is to find a pair that provides full protection from ultra violet (both UVA and UVB) rays, which are generated from the sun even on cloudy days. While experts disagree about possible negative effects UVA rays may have on the eye, it is known that UVB rays can cause a number of eye conditions including permanent retinal damage, so make sure your sunglasses are rated for full UV protection.

Sunglasses come in a variety of styles and types. If fashion is your main consideration, pick a stylish frame and then have custom lenses with UV protection added to them. If sun protection is your primary concern, pick up a pair of wraparound sunglasses that will block light that would normally skip past the frames of regular sunglasses.

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