Some students join online courses for fun, R U one of them?

I asked my friend who works for an online college. Why online degrees are becoming popular, even the best Institutions have started offering online education in the last few years. His answer was shocking and I could not believe what he said. He replied, "People love Internet and that's why they spend a lot of time searching, reading, listening, chatting or writing on it. To make excuses to themselves or to their social surroundings they want to cement their newfound friendship with something tangible. Most students are still skeptical about online degrees but it gives them an excuse to be online whenever they want. If you hear the questions they ask you will be surprised. Most of them are just worried about spending money and ask again and again, "is it worth it" in different ways. The result is they want to be online; they want everyone else to believe that they are doing something important and not just wasting time on it. That's why they take admission but instead of working hard and finishing course quickly, they are taking much longer then necessary. It is acceptable anyway, because it makes them happy, the best thing is, they don't have to finish the course in a set period of time, in most cases. To tell you the truth they do not expect a lot at the end from an online degree. For some strange reasons they are sure that they will get a degree anyway, which might not be the case for some students. First and foremost in their mind is the fact that they are doing something important in the eyes of others. If they actually understand the importance and worth of online degree they would be shocked with stunning clarity. They will work so hard that they will start to loose hair and leave everything else for the sake of their degree. They start the course with enthusiasm and promises but after few weeks when the going gets though the promises evaporate. They feel that they are stuck and continue with their other online activities and do not even log in for weeks. The knowledge that they do not have to finish the course in a set time-period is doing all the damage. Soon it will change, it has to, and students will be required to finish the online degrees within a set period of time". His answer was really surprising for me and I left him with a regret that I shouldn't have asked him that question. There are so many different Universities and colleges and you can find out more on For some strange reasons I feel that he was telling me the truth about most students. I hope you don't mind me asking, are you one of them?