Addicted to Reality Television

I have a confession to make to you -- I'm addicted. Let me explain...

For a long time, I have been hiding it successfully from co-workers, friends and acquaintances. My family definitely knows I'm hooked, but even they have no idea how much I've really been caught up in it lately.

And let me tell you something else privately. I have absolutely no intention of stopping!

I'm addicted to reality TV!

*The Apprentice
*American Idol
*The Bachelor
*Amazing Race
*Extreme Makeover Home Edition
*Super Nanny
*Nanny 911
*Real World

To keep up to date on all my favorite reality TV shows and new shows coming soon I turn to the Entertainment Magazines; TV Guide, In Touch, and Satellite Direct to keep me informed about the ins and outs of my favorite reality TV programs.

About the Author

Sally Summers is Editorial Director at and You can read her weekly blog at where she talks about today's most popular magazines and how they can enrich your daily life.