How To Prevent Your Child From Having Problems At Daycare Or
Let's face it: As a parent or guardian, your child means
everything to you. When putting your child through daycare or
school, it is important to make sure that nothing goes wrong to
harm your child - either physically or mentally.
Additionally, your child's health and safety should be one of
your top concerns. If your child is enrolled in a day care or
school program and something goes wrong, you're sure to feel
upset or angry.
However, taking an aggressive approach and complaining with the
daycare or school can sometimes make the problem worse rather
than better. Rather, you should take preventative measures to
making sure that your child will have a wonderful experience.
Below are some proven steps you can follow to making sure that
your child doesn't run into any serious problem at daycare or
- Do not blame anyone before having solid proof or evidence.
Work with your child's teacher or caregiver on coming up with
several solutions to the problem and reaffirm your active role
in your child's education. By being a problem-solver, you're not
only showing that you're active and involved in your child's
life, but also that you're a responsible individual who cares
about coming up with solutions rather than winning arguments.
- Use subtlety when trying to probe the truth from teachers or
caretakers. Try to find something worth praising or noting in
the school or person who is working with your child. Starting
the conversation out on a positive note shows that not only are
you concerned about your child's well being, but that you also
notice and appreciate the dedication and enthusiasm of the
caregivers and teachers involved.
- Let your child tell you in his or her own words what's going
on at daycare or school. However, you shouldn't rely on their
explanation as the only one. Get information from teachers,
classmates or even other parents. You'll find that there are
several sides to the story, and the more you know, the more
fully and accurately you can approach the teacher or caretaker
and voice your concerns.
- Follow up with the people you've taken your complaints to and
talk with your child to see how things have improved. If the
situation hasn't changed, take your complaint to the next person
up and repeat the steps above until a resolution has been made.
Being informed and involved with your child's school shows that
you're more interested in seeing quality results than making a
one-time complaint and letting the issue sit while nothing is
done to correct it.
- Try to keep the issue on the actual incident instead of the
people involved. This helps minimize any later confrontations
(between your child and another child, for example), and also
helps the teacher focus on the problem and not the ones who
started it. Also, don't forget or ignore your child's possible
role in the problem.
As they say, it is best to prevent than to find a cure later.
Always be sure to show your confidence in the daycare or school
you enroll your child in. This way the daycare or school will
also respond by living up to your expectations!