10 ways to reuse Christmas wrapping paper

Don't throw out your old Christmas wrapping paper after Christmas. Use it. Here's how. 1. Cut out Christmas or snowflake shapes. Stick the shapes on card. Add a tie and hang it on the Christmas tree. 2. Fold wrapping paper lengthwise. Cut out the shape of a Christmas tree, where the edges are touching the folds. Unfold the paper to reveal a chain of Christmas trees. 3. Give children a piece of paper. Ask them to create a Christmas design using wrapping paper, glue and scissors. Laminate it and use it as a placemat. 4. Cut wrapping paper into strips. Make them into links and create a link chain. 5. Cut small pieces of card. Use wrapping paper to cover the back and create a frame on the front. Write a bible verse inside the frame. Attach a tie and hang it from the tree. 6. Use pieces of wrapping paper to make a nice bookmark. Keep it yourself or give it to someone. 7. Use pieces of wrapping paper to make a nice bow to place on top of a present. 8. Make a party hat for dolls or teddy bears. 9. Using used cards and wrapping paper, create some Christmas crackers. 10. Wrap small lollies or sweets. Attach a number (1 to 24) and use them as next year's advent calender. For more ideas on how to reuse Christmas items, try Liz Palmer's new book, Over 61 ways to reuse Christmas items. It can be purchased at http://www.knowledge-download.com/lizpalmer001 Copyright Liz Palmer 2005