How To Properly Use Ezine Advertising - Part Two


In part one of this series, we discussed the two options available for
advertising in ezines. The first of those involved buying ads in bulk
with the goal of getting exposure to as many subscribers as possible
without regard to targeting the advertising.

The second option, which will be discussed here, involves a little more
work, but should bring back better results per subscriber view. This
option requires targeting your advertising in ezines that are more
specifically related to the product or business you are promoting.

The first step in targeting ezine advertising involves selecting the right

Ezine directories are excellent places to start. A good ezine directory
will allow you to look through ezines by entering key words into a
search. By entering words that relate to your product or opportunity,
you then will be led to ezines that cover similar subjects. Since not all
ezines are listed in ezine directories, however, it's a good idea to
conduct a web site search as well and then look into the ezines
associated with web sites that are related to your product or business.

>From there, look closer into the ezines your search uncovers by
looking at a sample issue, if the ezine directory provides one, or by
visiting the web site of the ezine, or simply by subscribing.

Definitely subscribe to those ezines you think will be best suited for
your ad. Get to know the kind of content the ezines usually run. The
fastest way to accomplish this is by searching through archived issues
if the ezine in question provides this. If not, subscribe and read a few
issues to learn more about the usual topics the ezine covers.

After you get to know some good ezines, see if they have a
recommended reading section that will lead you to other good ezines.
Many ezines put a recommended reading or equivalent section right in
the ezine. However, be sure and judge them for yourself. Don't just
follow the recommendations blindly.

At this point, you will be able to make a short list of ezines to further
examine. That's right, you still have some more examining to do
before you will be ready to purchase advertising.

One thing to realize, however, is that subscriber count is not
necessarily that important. Sure, it's great to find a large ezine that
fits your ad perfectly and doesn't cost too much to advertise in, but
quite often small ezines will represent just as good of a value.

The next article in this series will go further into analyzing an ezines
subscriber base, the type of ezine it is, and the actual cost of buying an

Joe Bingham, Editor of the NetPlay Newsletters
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