Families Who Play Together Stay Together - Outdoor Sports Contributing Factor

Families Who Play Together Stay Together - Outdoor Sports Contributing Factor How many articles have you read lately regarding family breakups, dual-income parents lack of support at home for the children, child neglect, and a host of many other negative circumstances shaping our lives? Is your job controlling the most important aspects of your life? How much time do you spend with your family in a relaxed and uplifting atmosphere? These are all questions that are very real in today's society. If we work hard for our families why not find ways to enjoy them? There are two major forces that contribute to successful happiness in families. First and foremost is religion. The second major force is family activities and specifically, outdoor sports activities. Our forefathers had ways to keep the family together by utilizing work around the home. The major portion of our society has never seen or experienced their family working together. A great option is becoming involved in outdoor sports and other family building activities. Getting your family involved in outdoor sports can be as simple as going to the park with a baseball bat and baseball. How about a kickball or soccer ball? Or, play a few hoops with the basketball. Simplify outdoor sports games to meet the ages of all family members and get to know each other. If you only have one child or you are a single parent, there are many options for outdoor sports activities. * Badminton * Croquet * Pogo Sticks * Bocce * Play Parachutes * Jump Ropes * Table Tennis * Volleyball * Bean Bag Games * Flying Discs These are simple outdoor sports activities that allow all members of the family from the little ones to grandpa to participate. Outdoor sports can relate to many activities. You may want to consider climbing a mountain together, lake activities, professional sports, hunting, biking, running/walking together and the list goes on. Many parents find ways to assist their children with exercise or skills building. This could include balance beams, ballet bars, boxing equipment, agility gear, track and field equipment, street hockey, weight lifting, archery, shooting and tennis, for a few suggestions. Include both indoor and outdoor sports activities. Our families being together is generally a short period of time but what you do during that time may reflect on your family beyond your child's elementary years. Outdoor sports will not be the total answer but they can be the opportunity to build a long lasting relationship with those you love. Take the time and make it happen. It's important! This article is sponsored by www.bargaintable.com . Bargaintable.com is a major source for online discount outdoor sports products. For questions regarding Bargaintable.com, contact them at customerservice@ba rgaintable.com . Please share the content of these articles with your friends, family and colleagues. Reprint rights granted. All reprints must include a link to www.bargaintable.com . Content may not be altered and articles must be as distributed by eConcepts Marketing, Inc. and www.bargaintable.com . Copyright eConcepts Marketing, Inc 2005