Protecting Your Baby's Innocence

There are many things in this world that you don't want your baby to see. While you can't protect them for their whole lives, you can certainly take measures to protect their innocence as infants. The best way to protect your baby's innocence is to equip your child with knowledge and to actively confront any issues that arise. Children start to absorb things from their environment at a young age, so its important to know what places to avoid and what to teach them about what they see. It's common sense to stick to family friendly places and situations only, but sometimes these places only appear family friendly on the outside so be sure to investigate. Be sure also to research any daycare or babysitter - know who's watching your kids. Check to see if there are any other complaints or lawsuits against the person or company. When you're out and about with your infant, sometimes you run into people that aren't in the best of moods. When confronted with rude people, be prepared to stand up for yourself. If someone is swearing out loud repeatedly, chances are you aren't the only one offended, so speak up and ask them to not use that language around your baby. You may be surprised at how quickly they apologize. As they get older, another important part of protecting your child's innocence is the essential sex talk. Every parent seems to dread it, but there are ways to make it easier. The best advice is to not hit them with it all at once. Gauge how much they need and want to know before you start talking. For example, if your 3 or 4 year old asks where babies come from, the answer "from a mommy's tummy" or "from a mommy's womb" will suffice. When they want to know more, they'll ask you.