SUPERMOM- The Real Mom

That is the real description of our jobs as MOMS we work 24 hours a day seven days a week. We are Mom to all including the lost cat. No matter where we are if we here the word Mom we are sure to look. Even if the kids aren't with us. The saying of "Once a Mom always a Mom" is so true. As a Mom I find myself having to juggle a lot. I work at home so I often have to drop what I am doing to come to the rescue of a screaming toddler. Then I get the call, "Mom I need lunch money" so I jump in the car with the screaming toddler who is fighting me to get in the car seat run down, and deliver lunch money. Then the teenager calls, "Mom I need money for a football game can you bring it to me at lunch". Ok so here we go again deliver the money while I am attempting to entertain the toddler. Even if you work fulltime out of the home you still have to answer to the call of your kids they will call you at work I know my friends tell me their stories we often vent as Moms. Or the school will call, "Little Johnny is sick can you pick him up". Or the kids will call, "Mom I need money for the book fair". Or they call to have you settle a fight between them if they have a brother or sister. As soon as that is done then we have to go grocery shopping oh what fun. Well we manage to get in the store and what fun it is trying to manage my grocery list while managing a toddler who wants to try to climb out of the cart. We are halfway through the store and I remember I forgot milk so I have to try to make it back to the milk. "No honey we do not need anymore cookies" I say as another bag is added to the cart. What fun we have sorting through the cart at the check stand. Let's not forget the numerous times we deliver the kids to and from the doctors. While we try to entertain the toddler and the bored child who wants to not sit still in the waiting room. Then if you kids are like mine you are telling them to talk to the Dr., anyway you end up doing the talking for them. Meanwhile you are still working on entertaining the roaming toddler. Or the numerous practices and school events we have been to while I chase a toddler, and wouldn't you know it the husband had to work so he could not watch her. While the teenagers say "Mom, Can't you control her she is so embarrassing". Teenagers what fun, oh well glad to be an embarrassment to them!!! Being a Mom is fulltime job from answering the calls of a baby at night, to being mediator to sibling rivalry, school volunteer, nurse to sick kids, taxi, and all round negotiator. But we have the endless benefits of our children's love hugs and kisses, please and thank you's , we get to watch them grow and mature into young adults. We are molding the future generation which is the best job you could possible have. I love my job of being Mom to my four girls.