If You are Having a Party for Your Child...
If You are Having a Party for Your Child...
1.Think of your child's current interest (movies, books, toys,
games, anything he is into). You may discuss it with the kid,
but keep in mind that the younger the child is, the more
"impulsive" the answer can be.
2. Plan well in advance. DATE. If the birthday is too booked
with other events (grandma's visits, adult celebrations etc.),
better choose another day or even another weekend. It is every
child's dream to have more than one birthday a year. Give them
this chance! TIME. Make sure the time of your party does not
interfere with your child's routine schedule (naps, meal times,
3. Evaluate your own availability. If you cannot afford to put
together an entertainment program for the children on your own,
call a professional children's entertainer. Look for a warm,
engaging person who has strong leadership skills and an aptitude
for organizing lots of kids. To choose the right one ask the
following questions: How interactive is their party program ?
Are all children involved ? Will they customize the party for
your child ? Do they provide extra services (i.e. arts and
crafts, party supplies, etc.) Make sure the money you spend is
worth the fun the children get.
4. Order online or buy in a party store the proper party
supplies .
5. Birthday cake. It's even more important how it looks than
how it tastes.
6. After all the guests are gone, all the presents are opened,
do not forget to cuddle up with your child and talk to him/her
about the party. Discuss the best games, roles, funniest
moments, emotions. Make the warm feeling stay long after the
party is over.