Beginner's Guide for Developing a Fundraising Plan
Though fundraising is a thrilling social activity, it can also
be a strenuous task with its problems in seeking grants, and
subsequently using those funds for charitable work. A plan well
executed is a plan that is strong in its makeup. Thus planning
to develop a fundraising activity is planning to succeed; never
falter on this step, as it might prove very costly in the long
A fundraising development plan need not be very difficult, but
you'll need to make sure that it is perfect and well devised. To
devise a plan, you must also have a goal or an objective, which
is really like a skeleton in the body. Define what will be your
goal in its short term and long term perspective. You may add
more meat to the skeleton by consulting with your colleagues
about those finer details, which are necessary for the success
of your non profit venture. Once the goal is ready, define how
that goal will be achieved and accomplished. Draw a
comprehensive plan and add detail to each step. Assign duties
and responsibilities to each member of the team. Next also
create a calendar with various deadlines for each critical step
of the whole fundraising activity and execution. Never forget to
fix the final deadline for the whole project.
The next obvious step is finding the donor and sourcing funds
from them. Often critical, this step is the most challenging of
all tasks. Sourcing funds from a charitable body often takes a
long time and it also tests your patience. You may also need to
learn about the technical aspects of raising funds from a donor.
Many individuals extend their support for good causes and
usually make contributions, pledges and gifts in response to
mail requests, phone conversations, internet appeals, door to
door requests and face to face dialogues. Many foundations,
public trusts, philanthropies, aid organizations also help in
raising funds and gifts.
An ineffective fundraising plan is a waste of precious money and
time; a bad plan may spell doom on your ambitions to be a
successful fundraiser. Always create a plan that is flexible, so
that you can make minute adjustments as and when it is
necessary. Never be rigid in your outlook and be inventive in
your thoughts and actions.