Debt Consolidation Service In Birmingham
Jane was a fun loving girl from Birmingham, you could say she
lived for today. She wanted all the latest fashions and gadgets
and certianly was not afraid to use her credit card to pay for
She had a weird philosophy on life. For some reason she believed
she would die before the age of thirty, however thought that if
she was still alive, she would by that stage be earning lots of
money. This huge wage packet would be more than enough to pay
for any debts that she accrued in her late teens and twenties.
Jane was a girl who could never say no to going on holiday with
her friends. There were a number of occasions where she booked a
holiday when in reality she could not afford it. Never mind, I
will pay for it with my credit card and worry about it at a
later date, she thought.
At the age of twenty four, Jane decided to buy a car. Not just
any car, or a car for somebody on her earnings but a quite
expensive model. You may be wondering how she paid for this car,
it was a car loan of course.
Clothes shopping and actually shopping of any kind was a weekly
must do thing for Jane. She was a true friends to shop retailers
and signed up with many of stores card schemes, who's motto is
buy now, pay later.
Jane had a very happy and exciting time during her late teens
and twenties, however she did not die before the age of thirty.
Companies started knocking at her door, asking for the debts to
be repaid. Jane had loan repayments and credit card repayments
coming out of her bank account on around eight different days in
the month.
This was when Jane needed help and she sought the help of a debt
consolidation service provider. For Jane it was now time to grow
up and to live in the real world. This was very hard for her to
keep track of.