MAKING ONLINE CREDIT CARD APPLICATIONS SIMPLE... The most convenient and popular way to apply for a credit card now is online credit card application. You can go online and type in the search terms you want, for instance low APR credit card, and receive a lengthy listing of all the credit card offers available from a wide variety of lenders. If a low apr credit card is what you're looking for, start with the internet. How to apply When you begin your search, think of the things that are most important to you about your credit card. Do you want low interest? Do you want an introductory interest-free period? Do you want a low APR credit card for your personal use or for your business? Would you like to have a reward program for airline miles, merchandise, or gasoline? How is your credit? Do you need a card after you have had a bad credit history? Once you have determined your criteria for a credit card, type in your search terms and visit one of the countless sites that the search pull up. Such as, select cards today. You will find an exhaustive list of companies offering you credit if you meet their qualifications, which usually include a credit check and proof of income along with references. Spend some time reading the details of each offer. Think about which credit card best meets your needs. Pull out your list of answers to the questions above and look for a card that is perfect for you. At select cards today you will find one. Don't settle for an offer that only meets some of your criteria. Fill out the online credit card application and submit any information that the company requires. Be sure to read the fine print. Most forms have the details of limitations or increasing rates in fine print at the bottom of the form. However, with an online credit card application, you may have to manually click a link to view these restrictions. It is very important that you take the time to do this. Not reading the restrictions of a card agreement can get you into a lot of trouble down the line if you don't meet the demands of the agreement. Remember that this is a legal document, giving your approval for the company to check your credit. You may want to print out the fine print information as well as a copy of the online credit card application before you submit it. Keeping these types of records can protect you later if any mishandling of your application occurs. Once the company validates and processes your application, you will receive a packet of information in the mail including disclosure papers. If you printed out the fine print when you filled out your application, which we recommend that you do, compare the disclosure papers you get in the mail with the ones your printed out from the website. If everything matches, fill out the information on the new forms and submit them. Each company varies as to the time it takes for you to get your credit card once you complete the application process. The usual amount is ten days. If you don't hear anything in the specified time limit, contact the company that you applied with immediately.