One Thing NO Debt Specialist Can Help You With...

Just like a dentist can't give an estimate over the phone without X-rays of your teeth, or the knowledge of how many cavities you really have, a Debt Counselor cannot give you an accurate quote to eliminate your credit card debt without current statements for all your debt accounts." Dear Debtor, If you're looking for a solution to your debt problems and someone offers you a "quote" or "estimate" for a debt settlement program (especially), debt management plan, debt resolution program, etc., WITHOUT requiring ALL current statements (within 45 days) for EVERY debt account included in the quote, RUN THE OTHER WAY!!!

Seriously, hang up the phone, run out of the office, delete the email!

Why? Because it's the biggest red flag in the industry.

Here's some insider knowledge... No one can wave a magic wand and make your debt disappear, but there are plenty of "bad guys" out there who would lead you to believe they can. These wolves in sheep's clothing...

MAKE SURE the Company you work with DOES THIS: The company requires complete information from current statements BEFORE ever giving you a quote.

The Debt Consultant / Counselor / Specialist requires you to provide all current statements for your debt accounts before quoting you a monthly payment amount, length of program or estimate of how much you can reduce your debt.

Beware of anyone who gives you a quote without thoroughly researching your account statuses, creditor names, balance transfer, cash advance and large purchase activities, minimum payment amounts and interest rates FIRST. This is the surest sign of a company who is only out for your initial fees and either has no intention or ability to service your accounts after you sign up