Good to Know Stock Trading Information
Stock trading is a complex process that may be quite confusing
and deceitful to a new trader. Therefore, if you plan to start
investing your money in shares, you should first choose a stock
trading strategy that is most suitable for yourself.
The major difference between stock trading strategies is based
on timeframe. It means that an active day investor will act and
react differently than a long term trader. Any stock trading
strategy has its own pros and cons so analyse them carefully
before starting investing your savings in stock shares.
The day trader is an active player; he is always buying and
selling shares inside the timeframe of a day. This kind of stock
trading has to advantage of saving you the trouble of facing any
overnight risk. If a share's price is experiencing a sudden rise
or drop, he can immediately take advantage of the situation. A
day trader is usually targeting to get quick profits while
facing small risks. The bad thing about this type of stock
trading system is that it is very time consuming, you have to be
permanently alert and focused on the stock trends. But the
trading costs represent the worst thing. The commission tends to
be very large when you sell and buy several times a day.
The swing trader is an investor who is focusing on longer
periods of trading, meaning a few days or even weeks. This
method has the advantage of having few commissions to be paid
and the opportunity to experience some important changes in
share's price. The main downside of this method is its higher
risk due to the longer trading period.
The long term swing trader is an investor much alike the swing
trader above. The difference between these two is the longer
period of time, several weeks, he is targeting. This method has
a good aspect: the long term swing trader is avoiding the
inconvenience of being affected by minor trading swings. And the
profit is bigger; experienced traders target even a 50% profit
using this method.
But bigger profit brings bigger risks; you will be trading over
a longer period of time, therefore you will be exposed to bigger
trading risks. And it is likely for you to miss many short-term
trend changes.
The buy and hold trader is the investor who is buying stocks and
hold them for a very long period of time, even for years.
This type of stock trading can bring you a very good profit with
a small effort. But be careful when you choose to use this
method as it may turn against you if you don't have a good,
strong investment strategy. This means that the secret to earn
money out of this method is not just holding to the stock and
hope for the best, but to analyse the stock trend, the market
evolution and to set a profit target.
In conclusion, there are methods of stock trading for any type
of person. You just have to analyse every type of method and use
the one it represents you best. And remember that making profit
on the stock market requires brains, instinct and luck!